
Whether they’re yours or your neighbors, wild or domestic, you’ll need to get used to living with animals. Knowing standards of care will help.


Whether you’re a landowner, a tenant, an employee, or a visitor, one thing’s for certain – out here, you’ll be sharing your world with a lot of eight-legged, six-legged, four-legged, two-legged, and no-legged creatures

Cow Beef – It’s What’s for Dinner

Most ground beef comes to us through the Cow Beef value chain, where older, unproductive cows go from the farm, to the sale barn, and then straight to a processing facility, bypassing the feedlot.

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Beef Industry Basics – Part 2

The Virginia beef industry is worth about $8 billion a year. If you own farmland in Virginia, chances are pretty good that some of those beef dollars are yours.

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Beef Industry Basics

Virginia may not come to mind when you think of the cattle industry, but with about 675,000 head of beef animals, it’s worth about $8 billion a year.

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Rotational Grazing 101

The term “rotational grazing” is used a lot. But what exactly is it? This quick guide to grazing beef cattle explains a few concepts.

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When your home and your business are one in the same, your vision becomes longer and wider.

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