My Generic Farming Venn Diagram Oh look. Here's a Generic Farm Business Structure Graphic. Here's a slightly more realistic version of a generic farm business structure Certain graphics seem to show up in more than their fair share of PowerPoint presentations. The...
2019 Virginia Women in Agriculture Gathering Women in Ag I’ve been to quite a few Women in Ag type functions over the years, and to me, it seems like the attendees at this group were different. I’m not sure if was the location, the organizers, the time of...
Farming has its own language, and sometimes people outside of the farming community don’t understand what we’re saying, no matter how slowly or how loudly we talk. If you knew the difference between hay and straw is five dollars a bale, you at least sort...
Farmer and Homesteader? Are You a Farmer or a Homesteader? (Or Something Else?) Ninety percent of farming isn’t really what we may think of as farming. In conversations with people, it’s clear to me that what most people think of as “farming”,...
Dear IRS – The 60s Called. They Want Their Tax Forms Back Where Does Intellectual Property Go on my Schedule F? To get a clue as to how much farming has changed over the decades, you need look no further than the Schedule F form – the IRS form that deals...
Whether you’re looking for a small acreage for homesteading, a working farm to support a career change, or a large parcel for a family retreat, finding the right piece of ground is nothing like spending the day at Sunday open houses in a new subdivision. Where...