Home design and Construction
Chances are that your new country home won’t be the exact home of your dreams. Remodeling an existing house, or building a new one that fits your family, your lifestyle and your land can be one of the most rewarding accomplishments of a lifetime.
Farmhouse Design and Construction
Most of the time, if you want to live on your rural property, you have a few choices – build, remodel, renovate, and other options are available, like a tent, camper or a mobile home. Having a home that’s designed for your family, your lifestyle and your property requires vision and creativity. A home that works with your land should be your goal.
How We Designed Our House
If you’re designing a farm house for a working farm there are a few things you need to think about.
Direct Marketing Beef
In some parts of the country, buying beef directly from farmers is a realistic choice.
Kitchen Cabinets – Part 2
So the new cabinets are in, and adjusted, and I'm gonna say that we're about half way through the process. That's sort of how it works when you're...
Kitchen Cabinets, Part 1 – Ten Years to Instant Gratification
Custom kitchen cabinets might be worth the wait.
When You Literally Put the Mud in Mudroom
The mudroom looks completely different in the summer.Whenever I go onto Pinterest or Houzz, and type in "mudroom", there's all these beautiful white...
Why You Should Consider a Home Office
Whether you’re building a new home, or remodeling an old one, a home office can help bring sanity and solitude.
Window Trim – Part 2 – Ten Years to Instant Gratification
So I gave up the dark curtains, and gained some woodwork around the windows. Cows and newborn calves grazing behind the house provide an new office distraction.
Finding Your Farmland – An Overview
Whether you're looking for a small acreage for homesteading, a working farm to support a career change, or a large parcel for a family retreat,...