In the News
In the News
Some of us go out of our way to avoid political discussions. Some of us are energized by them. Some of us just keep up with it all as a way to stay informed. Anything I include in this section is mainly for informational purposes. It’s stuff that I find relevant, or interesting.
Animal Welfare – Cattle Manager’s Job #1
Even cattle have managers. And here are the three big things that cattle managers worry about – Animal Welfare, Profitability, and Personal Values and Goals
Antique Doors – They’re Not Just for Backdrops Anymore
Replace those builder grade doors with beautiful, affordable, pound-able, slam-able antique doors Reclaimed Antique Doors - A Hundred...
Direct Marketing Beef
In some parts of the country, buying beef directly from farmers is a realistic choice.
Cow Beef – It’s What’s for Dinner
Most ground beef comes to us through the Cow Beef value chain, where older, unproductive cows go from the farm, to the sale barn, and then straight to a processing facility, bypassing the feedlot.
Fed Cattle – The Production Sequence We Love to Hate
Stockers, finishers, fats. They’re all part of the beef production process.
Kitchen Cabinets – Part 2
So the new cabinets are in, and adjusted, and I'm gonna say that we're about half way through the process. That's sort of how it works when you're...
Shippin’ Up To Dublin – Part 2
About five years ago, Scott mentioned that we should go to Scotland for our 25th wedding anniversary. His statement was more of a kind gesture than...
Shippin’ Up to Dublin – Interlude
As a part-timing, semi-self-employed, participation-trophy-wife, E-350 driving working mom, I was often available to chaperone field trips with our...