Animal Welfare – Cattle Manager’s Job #1 With our beef cattle (all cattle, as a matter of fact) we focus on three areas main to ensure animal welfare – adequate nutrition, herd health, and physical comfort and safety. When we’re talking about a...
Replace those builder grade doors with beautiful, affordable, pound-able, slam-able antique doors Antique Doors – They’re Not Just for Backdrops Anymore Low-cost Builder's Grade Doors Lend a Mobile Home Feeling to Any House Reclaimed Antique...
Direct Marketing Beef Direct Marketing, CSAs and Grassfed Beef In addition to the more common means of marketing beef cattle, feeder calves, and as cull cows, direct marketing is another method of marketing cattle that can work in some locations, and for certain...
Cow Beef – It’s What’s for Dinner Cow Beef Most of the steaks that end up in higher-end restaurants, or the premium steaks at your grocery store, are from “fed cattle”, young animals that eat a high energy ration on a feedlot. Ground beef...
Fed Cattle – The Production Sequence We Love to Hate Occasionally on the news, most likely during the stock market report, you’ll hear a livestock market report. It might not be obvious how that commodity report ties in to the cattle you see as you drive...
Kitchen Cabinets – Part 2 So the new cabinets are in, and adjusted, and I’m gonna say that we’re about half way through the process. That’s sort of how it works when you’re doing it pay-as-you-go. We could have done it just full scale if...