Land management
You’d think that when you’re living with nature, things wouldn’t need so much intervention. But crop ground, ponds, trails, driveways, wood lots, and pastures need active management to stay accessible and usable.
Land Management
The problem with letting things “go back to nature” is that nature doesn’t know what we want. And some of her management tools – fire, for instance – aren’t very welcome near our homes. Striking a balance is a constant challenge.Many of the plants we see every day, most obviously our lawn grasses – aren’t even native to the North American continent. Add in a few really aggressive invasive species – like feral hogs, ailanthus (tree of heaven) and spotted lanternflies – and our landscapes become inhospitable to our native species.
Cattle Manager – Yeah, That’s a Thing – Intro
Cattle Managers – Because left to their own devices, cattle can make some pretty poor decisions.
Snags – Charlie Brown Trees for Wildlife
When we think of habitat loss, we may not think of simple things, like dead trees on our farm. In reality, these snags are a vital part of your farm ecosystem
How We Designed Our House
If you’re designing a farm house for a working farm there are a few things you need to think about.
Rotational Grazing 101
The term “rotational grazing” is used a lot. But what exactly is it? This quick guide to grazing beef cattle explains a few concepts.
About All That Mud
Sometime you manage mud. Sometimes you just accept it.
The Differences Between Hay and Straw
Farming has its own language, and sometimes people outside of the farming community don't understand what we're saying, no matter how slowly or how...
Finding Your Farmland – An Overview
Whether you're looking for a small acreage for homesteading, a working farm to support a career change, or a large parcel for a family retreat,...
Farm Lanes – Connecting Neighbors, Connecting Families
Growing in the Midwest, farm lanes were a thing. It was a cropping region, with no livestock, other than seasonal 4H project animals. With little...